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Hi, You're receiving this email because {name} thinks the Smoked Kingfish 200g would interest you. This magnificent game fish has a firm texture, and a lovely sheen. When sliced, Kingfish is similar in taste, texture and looks to top-quality ham. It lends itself extremely well to fancy display – and of course it tastes as good as it looks!
About Kingfish (Sereola lalandi)
Kingfish have long and streamlined bodies and are greeny blue on the dorsal surface shading to silvery white beneath. The common name “yellowtail” comes from their bright yellow fins (particularly the caudal fin), but they also have a distinctive golden brown stripe running laterally from the snout to the tail.
Kingfish are widely distributed throughout the warm–temperate waters of the southern hemisphere and are found from the Kermadec Islands to Banks Peninsula during the summer months. In the wild they can reach 1.7 m in length and weigh 56 kg. For more information, please click
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